Wednesday, April 15, 2015

LinkedIn is a business-oriented social networking service, it is mainly used for professional networking. This website is used by many people around the world. This website currently has 300 million members in over 200 countries around the world. The large number of users is pretty impressive due to the fact that this company was started in the co-founders (Reid Hoffman) living room in 2003. The main goal for this company is to connect business professionals that work in the same field to make them more successful in there job field. Business Review,   many say that this is the best online professional networking system that is out there today. There is great job boards as well as the endless amount of opportunities that can be found by browsing this sight. The downfall in the business aspect of linked in is that there can be excessive fraud account emails that you might receive on a daily basis and also most link requests are just "sales" pitches. Linked in provides a limited amount of interactivity unless in the "answers" section. Social Review, linked in is a great way to meet people and even get connected with people in the same job field as you. The one downfall in the social aspect of linked in is that it is often linked to your Facebook page so you must be careful about what you post online because it can effect you in the long run. Entertainment Review, on linked in you can get connected and follow TV shows and see other things going on in the entertainment world. The bad part about this is that if you follow to many things your linked in account will get spammed and instead of being used for business purposes it will turn into more of a leisure time for the user. News Review, Linked in is great to find updates about local news and even worldwide news. You can follow news accounts and receive all types of updates whenever you look onto your account. The one problem with this is that there can be fake news accounts that can present you with false information. Recreational Review, Linked in is great for recreational use you can message people and get to meet many people that maybe aren't in the same job field as you. The one bad part about this is that you need to make sure that you aren't talking to fake people that might be trying to spam you. All in all linked in is a great social media website to use it can help you find great job opportunity's and meet new people but like anything else on line be careful with what you choose to post because it will be out there forever.

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